Pole Dancing Grip Aid Tac For Hands & Body by PoleFitnessDancing.
This is a new, revolutionary grip tac made by PoleFitnessDancing (PFD).
The Perfect Gripping solution by PoleFitnessDancing (PFD) custom made for pole dancing.
A superior non-slip grip, High-Performance liquid providing the ultimate gripping power to master your tricks.
Feel the ultimate grasp when you use PFD Pole Fitness Grip Tac, a non-sticky, liquid formula providing a strong, anti-slip grip on hands and body.
So effective it repels rain and perspiration. All-weather, long lasting grip aid.
Unlike anything you have ever tried before, this liquid tac grip aid has multiple benefits:
- Extra strong grip for the best anti slip grip aid
- Use it on your inner thighs, inner calves, behind the knee, or anywhere you need a little extra grip.
- Do white chalky mess on your hands.
- Great for sweaty hands.
How does this compare to other pole dancing grip aids?
- Stronger than Dry Hands, less of a white mess.
- More moisturizing the ITAC with a better non waxing grip formula, it’s a liquid, not a solid or paste.
- No anti-antiperspirant qualities like Title Grip but does provide a stronger non slip grip, plus we thing it smells a lot better than Title Grip.
- Not comparable to Dew Point where it adds a moisturizing dewy tack – if you need something like this try our PFD Grip Aid Gel.